Эмоциональное Исцеление После Развода

Наша программа поможет вам начать процесс восстановления вашего счастья и эмоционального здоровья после разлуки с вашим партнером  и научит вас справляться с вашими эмоциями и стрессом в повседневной жизни.

Вы будете практиковать и изучать легкие методы оздоровления, чтобы начать процесс исцеления и двигаться к НОВОЙ жизни и НОВОМУ счастью. Эти практики значительно улучшат вашу жизнь, в то время как вы будете тратить на них всего от 30 до 40 минут своей повседневной жизни.

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Balneology – The Hot Springs Mineral Water Health Benefits

The Hot Springs are natural phenomenon found on all continents and many countries in the world.  For centuries, people enjoy the healing powers of spring water. The practice of using natural mineral water for the treatment or cure of disease is known as “balneology”. The art and science of balneology is […]

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Стресс, Эмоции И Наше Благополучие

Every thought, every feeling, and every emotion we experience sends a message to each cell in our body and each cell is affected, either negatively or positively, without our conscious awareness of the process. The message response from the thought, from the feeling or emotion that was sent to the cells of the body is registered in the DNA of the cell. This message is then imprinted in the memory of each cell and creates an identity and an energy all it’s own.

When negative/ feelings or thoughts are registered in the body, it creating an energetic block in the system. These blocks obscure the memory of perfection in the DNA of the cells—the original plan can no longer be observed—all of which negatively affects our behavior and our health.
The influence of emotion and mood is significant because how you feel can determine what you think, perceive, remember, and ultimately how you behave. Since the body and mind are intrinsically related, a change in emotional or psychological disposition can have dramatic results on the health of the individual

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meditation retreat costa rica

Практика Медитации – Простой Способ Снятия Стресса

editation can erase the day’s stress and bring the leisure and inner peace. Meditation produces a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. During meditation, you focus your attention and get rid of the stream of messy thoughts that crowding your mind and causing stress. This method will outcome in enhanced physical and emotional well-being.
Anyone can perform meditation. It’s easy and inexpensive, and it doesn’t need any special equipment. You can perform meditation wherever you are — either you’re out for a walk, riding the train, waiting for someone at the office or even during the business meeting.
Meditation is a common term for the many ways to a relaxed state of being. There are many types of relaxation techniques that have meditation components and share the same goal of achieving inner peace and tranquility.

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