What Micronutrients do in the Body?
It is well recognized that the digestibility and biological activity of vitamins increases if they enter the body in the form of complex functional complexes with other micronutrients, including bioflavonoids and trace elements.
All most effective prescriptions of Chinese and Tibetan medicine are complex and multi-component composition of their constituent active ingredients and sometimes contain dozens of different components of plant, animal and mineral origin.
As an example:
For good absorption and assimilation of calcium in the body is necessary to its interaction (and in fairly accurate proportions ) with magnesium , phosphorus, manganese, vitamin K, B6, C and phytoestrogens . For the full assimilation of iodine and its inclusion in the thyroid hormones requires the presence of selenium , magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. The antioxidant effect of vitamin E and C increases significantly in the presence of selenium , zinc , copper , manganese, carotenoids and vitamin A.
Optimization of major enzymatic activity, which determine the normal course of biochemical processes in the basic body. Considering the above , it becomes clear why some Vitamin C supplements or iodine or iron are not work and some are very successful .
So, What Micronutrients do in the Body?
- It suffices to note that many trace elements and vitamins are active sites of enzymes and regulators of their biochemical activity. For example, magnesium is included in the structure of approximately 300 enzymes, zinc – more than 200 enzymes, selenium and copper, – the key enzymes of the antioxidant defense system B1 and B6 vitamins are involved in the implementation of about 50 enzymatic reactions, etc.
2 . Regulation of neutralization processes of toxic substances and cleansing the internal environment by activating biotransformation , detoxifying and excretory mechanisms of the liver , intestine , urinary , lymphatic and immune systems.
3 . Participation in the regulation of basic metabolic processes : fat, carbohydrate , protein , mineral and energy .
4 . Ensuring the structural and functional strengths of cell membranes.
5 . Antioxidant protection from the damaging effects of free radicals, peroxides and other toxic products of lipid peroxidation of cell membranes.
6. Optimizing the electrolyte balance and acid-base balance.
7. Hormone-like effect of some micronutrients due to their ability to bind to hormone receptors and exhibit a range of specific hormonal effects . A classic example of this are phytoestrogens . Several micronutrients are indirect controls synthesis and physiological action of the most important hormones. As an example, the potentiating effect of chromium , zinc and manganese on the activity of insulin ; A and B5 vitamins necessary for the synthesis of steroid hormones ; selenium, iodine, and – for the synthesis of thyroid hormones and indoles , zinc and phytoestrogens are involved in the metabolic conversion of sex hormones.
8. Optimizing reproductive function, pregnancy and embryogenesis . It is well known that zinc, vitamins A and E are involved in the process of spermatogenesis , and male sex hormone metabolism . A deficiency of vitamins A, E and B2 increases the risk of death of the fertilized egg. Risk of miscarriage may be associated with nedostochnostyu vitamins A , E, K and iron. Deficiency of vitamin A, folic acid and zinc in pregnant women can lead to increased incidence of birth defects in the fetus.
9. Optimizing the functional state of the immune system. Currently there are dozens of micronutrients needed to maintain the activity of the immune system. This applies to a number of trace elements (especially of germanium , zinc and selenium ) , plant bioflavonoid , polysaccharides and oligosaccharides , vitamin C, beta – glucans , phytic acid , vegetable fiber , nucleotides, yeast , etc.
10. Participation in the blood cell production (process of hematopoietic). It is known that vitamin B12, folic acid, orotic and participate in synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids required for the maturation of red blood cells. Vitamin Be and zinc protoporphyrins required for synthesis, which are precursors of hemoglobin. Vitamin C , nickel and copper contribute to the absorption of iron , transformation of divalent to trivalent iron , and embedding it in a structure of hemoglobin.
11. Regulation of coagulation of blood. Optimal these processes depends on ecurity of an organism such biologically active substances such as vitamin K , calcium , magnesium , vitamins C and E , bioflavonoids , phytoestrogens , omega -3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc.
12. Participation in the synthesis and restoration of bone and cartilage tissues. It is important to note that optimizing for the metabolic processes in the bone must be part of entire assemblies bioactive micronutrients. This primarily applies to calcium , magnesium and vitamin D, as well as zinc , boron , silicon , phosphorus , manganese , vitamin C, K and phytoestrogens . For the construction and normal functioning of cartilage of joints needed micronutrients such as glucosamine , chondroitin , S- adenosylmethionine , MSM , sulfur, selenium, manganese and vitamin C.
13. Optimizing the functional state of the central and peripheral nervous system depends on the body to ensure constant phosphorus , folic acid , S- adenosylmethionine , lipoic acid, lecithin and phospholipids , vitamins E, B12 , Bi, B2, as well as the omega -3 polyunsaturated fatty acids , carnitine , inositol and paraamino – benzoic acid.
In this regard, I would like to emphasize once again that the majority of essential micronutrientsis now almost impossible to obtain in doses needed for the body to normal diet . Hence, the additional receiving them in the form of various Food Supplements is a necessary and necessarily generally healthy and preventive power of modern man. In other words, complex Supplements are not only sources of essential micronutrients, but also a convenient way to deliver them into the body.
Translated from Professor Gichev PHD book – by Nina Y.